Steve Wehrle’s tan Ford pickup truck jostles him and his grandson Tate, 10, back and forth as they make their way to their farm. Today’s task is moving hay bales from one farm to another that will feed their 40 cows for the winter. “I grew up on a farm all my life,” Wehrle said of why he continues raising cows, even though he doesn’t make much profit off of it. “You just can’t keep it out of me.” His son Scott and grandson Tate also help take care of the cows. Tate has learned the trade fast and approaches each task with enthusiasm.

Steve Wehrle and his grandson Tate Wehrle, 10, drive to pick up hay bales to feed their cows Sunday, December 8, 2019 in Rhineland, Missouri. Wehrle’s family owns forty cows, or “just enough to aggravate us,” Wehrle said.

Scott Wehrle drives his truck behind his father Steve Wehrle’s truck Sunday, December 8, 2019. The Wehrle’s moved bales of hay from one plot of land to the plot where their cows are kept.

Steve Wehrle pauses from attaching a trailer to his truck to take a phone call Sunday, December 8, 2019 in Rhineland, Missouri. Wehrle borrowed the trailer from a friend that day because his trailer was tied up somewhere else.

From left, Tate Wehrle, 10, Steve Wehrle and Scott Wehrle make a plan about which bales of hay they are going to move Sunday, December 8, 2019 in Rhineland, Missouri. They wanted to move the bales to the plot of land where they keep their cows before the weather got colder.

Tate Wehrle, 10, drives a tractor to move hay bales Sunday, December 8, 2019 in Rhineland, Missouri. Tate learned how to drive the tractor when he was eight years old and maneuvers the hay bales with confidence and ease.

Tate Wehrle, 10, cranks a lever to attach a trailer to a truck Sunday, December 8, 2019 in Rhineland, Missouri. Tate helps on the farm almost every day and has learned the ropes by observing his grandfather and dad.